How to sell on lysted
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Click on the + or add inventory.
You can select the artist and also filter by date to exclude parking tickets.
Here is the breakdown of the information to add for your tickets:
Quantity: The number of tickets you want to list for sale. Section: The section where your tickets are located. Row: The row of your tickets. Low seat number: The lowest seat number among the tickets you are listing. Ticket format: The format of the tickets. Typically, you can choose "mobile transfer." Seating Type: Select "consecutive" if your tickets are consecutive. List price (each): The listing price for each individual ticket you are listing. Cost per ticket: The price you paid for each individual ticket. Cost (total): The total cost of the tickets you purchased.
Make sure to enter the correct values for each field based on the details of your tickets.
Adding disclosures is indeed crucial. In this field, you should include any specific restrictions or important information related to the tickets. Failure to disclose such restrictions can result in penalties, especially for VGG, where the penalty can be as high as 200% of the payout in case of a sale. It is important to exercise caution when listing tickets to avoid potential liabilities and unexpected costs. Always make sure to carefully review and disclose any relevant information to protect yourself and ensure a smooth transaction process.
After completing this step, we should double-check to ensure that all the entered data is correct. Once we are confident in the accuracy of the information, we can proceed to confirm our listing.
It is a good practice to review all the details, such as quantity, section, row, low seat number, ticket format, seating type, list price (each), cost per ticket, and total cost. By doing so, we can avoid potential errors and ensure the accuracy of the listing.
Once we are certain that all the entered data is accurate, we can proceed to confirm our listing. It is important to carefully read the terms and conditions before confirming to ensure that we are aware of any refund policies or restrictions that may apply.
By confirming the listing, our tickets will be made available for sale, and we can monitor the activity and offers through our dashboard.